Monday, January 25, 2016

This Is Ghana Be Interesting! :)

Ahhhh it's almost time! My excitement is through the roof!

University of Ghana
For those of you who don't know, I will be spending this semester in Accra, Ghana attending the University of Ghana. I will be doing my best to keep this blog updated with what's going on while I'm there, things I'm leaning, and just many of the things I experience during my time in Ghana.

I'm super excited for what the Lord has in store for me while I'm there, and I'm excited to involve you all on this incredible journey that I get the amazing opportunity to embark on.
Flag of Ghana

Having spent the last few months preparing for this moment, I can't believe it's finally here. It's been quite a journey leading up to this moment, with lots of questions and mixed emotions, from anticipation and eagerness to feelings of anxiety from not knowing what to expect when I get there. It's been a lot of running around to make sure things are all done before I head out, and I especially want to thank everyone involved in that because without you, I would not be here (almost) ready to go. It's been quite emotional saying goodbyes to dear family and friends whom I won't see until I return, but as they say, distance makes the heart grow fonder.

But more than that, these past few months have been a time of eagerness and expectancy for what God is doing. I'm excited to see first hand how God is moving in the lives of His children in Ghana, and I can't wait to see how I fit into the bigger picture. What a lovely and humbling reminder that this life is not really about me, but I am just one puzzle piece in the bigger picture of what God is doing in the earth. I'm excited to spend these next few months experiencing in a new light what is really meant by "Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven." I am eager to discover more of God as He takes me away from what I know and am comfortable with, into the great unknown.

As I take this leap of faith and set out on this journey that awaits me, I am encouraged by the reminder that God is always with me and He goes before me. I'm sure there will be many things that will catch me off guard and things won't always go as planned (as they rarely do) but I do know that God is a good Father and everything that happens (the good, bad, and everything in between) will be a valuable lesson that teaches me more to depend on Him.

As I get ready to leave, I ask that you all would please keep me in your prayers. Some specific prayer requests I have are:
• Safe travels as I fly to DC and then to Accra, Ghana
• Continue to trust the Lord and be led by Him in this next chapter of my life
• For God's will to be done, and not my own
• For easy adjusting and settling once I arrive in Ghana
• For a great semester, both academically and spiritually 
• Whatever else the Lord lays on your hearts

Thank you all so much! Your prayers and support are definitely appreciated. I will post more and keep you all updated as much as I can :)

In Christ,
Elisha B.

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